If you have been charged with a traffic felony or violation in Suffolk County, securing the right legal representation should be your top priority. Look no further than Daniel A. Russo P.C. for expert Brentwood Traffic Lawyer services. With a background as a former assistant D.A. in Suffolk County, Daniel A. Russo P.C. offers experienced legal counsel to defend your case effectively.
There are many kinds of traffic violations, but they can be put into a few main categories. The first and most common type are moving violations. Moving violations such as speeding and tailgating aren't usually classified as misdemeanors or felonies.
Reckless driving, driving without a license or suspended/revoked license, leaving the scene of an accident, engaging in a contest of speed with another motorist, and driving while intoxicated or under the influence (drugs) are considered traffic crimes and can all lead to misdemeanor and felony charges depending on the degree of severity.
Repercussions of traffic violations are fines, points on drivers license, license suspension based on the severity of the violation and any past violations, and/or higher insurance rates. Repercussions of traffic crimes (misdemeanors and felonies) result in steep fines, imprisonment, and/or license suspension or revocation.
If you have been charged with a traffic violation or crime then it is imperative that you contact the best lawyer possible to help dismiss or lessen penalties and fines for violations and to fight for you when facing a misdemeanor or felony to make sure a your outcome is fair and just. Having served as an assistant D.A. in Suffolk County for 5 years and having 25 years of experience in criminal defense litigation Daniel A. Russo P.C. is the lawyer for you as he will fight to protect you from unjust charges and treatment.

When charged with a crime it is imperative to seek an attorney that has the experience and ability to protect you and your rights. Like choosing a doctor, a lawyer should specialize in his or her field. I urge you to contact Daniel A. Russo, P.C. as we have specialized in criminal defense for over 25 years. You are entitled to the presumption of innocence against any criminal accusation and our firm will exhaust all efforts to see that you are protected. I am available for any emergencies 24/7 at (631) 447-1200 and will give you the representation you deserve.
At Daniel A. Russo P.C., I invite you to try our refreshing experience and end-result satisfaction.
1. Sit Down Consultation.
2. Paper Work.
3. Legal Representation Begins.
4. The Courts.
5. The Final Ruling.
Our Practice Areas
There is no such thing as a case too big or too small.
We understand the importance of your case and your individualized direct attention, we are here to help. We pride in influencing a positive outcome for your alleged crime.

Federal Case Lawyer
Count on Daniel A. Russo to be your dedicated Federal Criminal case attorney, even for the most complex offenses. For Eastern District of New York including Suffolk County, NY crimes are investigated and prosecuted by federal officials appointed by the government of the United States. Learn more about the federal court process and areas we practice in.

Suffolk County NY State Court Lawyer
We deal with all state court cases in Suffolk County, NY. New York State penal law criminal offenses are those that violate state mandated laws. These offenses can be either violations, misdemeanors or felonies. It is vital to hire an attorney that is familiar with the local process and your specific case. Misdemeanor cases are handled by District Court, Town and Village Courts. Felony Indictments are prosecuted in the Suffolk County Court. Find out what types of crimes are handled within state courts.

Town Court Lawyer
There are ten (10) Towns within Suffolk County. The five (5) eastern towns each operate a Town Justice Court. If your arrest occurs within a specific town that court has jurisdiction and your case will be heard there. The five western towns within Suffolk County belong to the Suffolk County District Court in Central Islip, Find out information on where your case will be held in Suffolk County towns in NY.

Village Court Lawyer
Some governments within Suffolk County have incorporated villages, allowing them more control over local laws. Each village court has elected judges that preside over village ordinances and penal law cases. If your alleged crime is committed within a village's jurisdiction, see what village courts in Suffolk County we practice in; and how hiring an experienced attorney can shield your fate.
Get In Touch!
Reputation is everything. Need serious legal representation? Get Daniel A. Russo, the best criminal lawyer in Suffolk County, NY.